Thursday, December 8, 2011

Song Maha Tep (Shiva and Ganes amulet) - KB Subin

Made from sacred powders and hand painted with gold, this Thai Brahman Magic amulet with Shiva and Ganesha the remover of all obstacles is made and empowered by Kroo Ba Subin of the Samnak Song Ran Tad Pom in Chumporn.

Lord Ganesh brings success and completion, and Lord Shiva protects from ills and evils.

The amulets were empowered three times on the 25th May, and 17th and 18th July 2553

2000 amulets were produced in all.

The Shiva-Ganesh amulet is useful to all people in all walks of life, be you involved in artistic, technical, Administrative, Service or intermediary professions. Ganesh is Deity of all Artisans, Performers and Artists.

Kroo Ba Subin Short Biography >>>>>>>

Song Maha Taep Pra Isworn - Prapikanes (Shiva and Ganes amulet) - Nuea Pong Wan 108 - Kroo Ba Subin